The Italian financial newspaper “Il Sole 24 Ore” reported today that Koering, the French-owned conglomerate which controls some of the most renowned and revered luxury brands in the world, such as Gucci, Bottega Veneta, Saint Laurent, Pomellato and others associated to clothing, jewelry, bags and other luxury products, settled a tax case with the Italian
May 2019
Italy’s Regional Tax Court Denies Dividend Withholding Tax Exemption In the Absence Of Actual Taxation In the Country of Residence
By Marco Rossi on
By way of ruling n. 55/6/2019 filed on January 21, 2019, the Regional Tax Court of Abruzzo held that no withholding tax exemption under the EU Parent-Subsidiary Directive applies, unless the EU parent company proves that it has been “materially charged” with an income tax on the dividends in its own country of residency.