On October 9, 2023, the last Ministerial Decree required for the final implementation of Italy’s Register of Trusts was published, and the Register of Trusts is now in effect. The initial filing deadline is December 11, 2023. The filing in the Register is required for domestic trusts, private foundations, and similar legal arrangements, defined as

On October 16, the Council of Ministers approved a legislative proposal that will repeal the special tax regime for new resident workers, entrepreneurs, and professionals with effect from January 1, 2024.

The special regime, enacted in its final form in 2020, allows Italian and foreign nationals who establish their tax residence in Italy while not

The Italian Tax Agency recently issued Ruling n. 237 of March 2, 2023 (Risposta-n.-237_2023.pdf), which clarifies foreign trusts’ tax treatment concerning Italian tax resident beneficiaries.

Under the ruling, when the trustee of a foreign trust is required to make an annual distribution to beneficiaries based on a predetermined percentage of the fair market

With tax ruling n. 18/2022 of January 12, 2022 (Risposta_18_12.01.2022), the Italian tax agency ruled that for the foreign branch tax exemption to apply, a permanent establishment must exist in the foreign jurisdiction, fully taxable in the host country under both foreign country’s domestic tax law and any applicable tax treaty between Italy

In a series of recent tax rulings, Italy’s Tax Administration ruled that “remote workers” who live in and work remotely in Italy for a foreign employer with no trade or business in Italy can still qualify for the benefits of Italy’s new-resident workers special tax regime.

In 2015, Italy enacted a special tax regime for

On November 20, 2020 Italy’s Minister of Economy and Finance published its ministerial decree dated November 17, 2020, which contains specific provisions on the meaning and enforcement of the main benefit test of COUNCIL DIRECTIVE (EU) 2018/822 of 25 May 2018 on mandatory reporting of cross border arrangements (commonly referred to as “DAC6”).

Following the

By now, Italian tax practitioners and tax scholars have had the opportunity to report on Italian Supreme Court’s ruling n. 14756 of July 10, 2020 (Cass.14756-20), which ruled that interest paid by an Italian operating subsidiary to its Luxembourg direct holding company is eligible for the withholding tax exemption granted under article 26-

News broke out that Italian tax auditors have issued a proposed tax assessment for Euro 1.4 billion ($1.6 billion) as additional corporate income tax due from Fiat Chrysler Automobiles N.V. (“FCA”), in connection with the merger between FCA and FIAT S.p.A. (“FIAT) carried out in 2014, after FIAT had completed its acquisition of US automaker

By way of ruling n. 25490 issued on October 10, 2019 (Supreme Court Ruling 25490 of 10-10-2019), Italy’s Supreme Court upheld the appellate court’s ruling which denied both the dividend withholding tax exemption of the EU Parent Subsidiary Directive n. 435/90/CEE of the Council dated July 23, 1990 (the “Directive”), and the dividend

In its Ruling N. 380 of September 11, 2019, Italy’s Tax Agency provided its guidance on certain tax implications of a corporate reorganization pursuant to which a Luxembourg holding company, which owns an Italian company, would reincorporate into Switzerland and convert into a Swiss tax resident company.

Prior to the reincorporation of the holding