Italy’s Tax Administration in ruling 54 of March 3, 2009 clarified that debt instruments issued by Italian limited liability companies (SRLs) can qualify as debt obligations for tax purposes, and interest paid thereunder can be eligible for the exemption from Italian tax (portfolio interest exemption) fore foreign investors, if the instrument is not part of a permanent establishment of the foreign investor in Italy and the foreign investor otherwise qualifies for the exemption by reasons of being resident or domiciled in an approved jurisdiction (white-listed country).
Deduction of Tax-Haven Costs Requires Proof of Specific Economic Interest
By Marco Rossi on
Deduction of costs arising from transactions with entities domiciled in low-tax jurisdictions requires proof of specific economic interest.…
The New Consolidated Corporate Income Tax Form for 2009 Addresses Interest Deduction Limitations in Consolidated Groups
By Marco Rossi on
New corporate tax form for 2009 implements new provisions on deduction of interest expenses within the tax consolidated group…