Italy issued circular 58/E with guidance on transfer pricing documentation for multinational companies. The tax administration clarified that failure to file the transfer pricing documentation notice may be considered as a factor to select taxpayer that will be subject to audit
Italian Tax Court Rules Against Bank on Tax Abusive Transactions
In a post on December 3, 2010 we reported on a recent ruling issued by the Italian tax court of Emilia Romagna against an Italian banking group in respect of a series of structured finance transactions aimed at obtaining abusive tax benefits (mainly, foreign tax credits under applicable tax treaties).
Based on a copy of…
EU Council of Finance Ministers Adopted New Draft Legislation on Exchange of Tax Information
EU Council of Finance Ministers approved new draft legislation reinforcing exchange of tax information for contrasting tax evasion throughout the EU. The directive shall eliminate the banking secret and ultimately starting from 2015 the exchange of information will be automatic in several areas of tax law which fall within the scope of the directive.…
Italian Tax Court Rules Against Bank on Tax Abusive Transactions
Italian tax court ruled against Italian bank on tax abusive transactions involving use of derivative contracts to generate tax credits and double dips. Italian tax administration wishes to rely on the ruling to resolve similar dispute with other banks. The total amount of income that can be recaptured is around three billion with an additional tax in excess of one billion plus interest and penalties. Additional comments on the ruling will follow on our blog…
Italian Taxation of Collective Investment Vehicles and Treaty Benefits
Mutual funds give investors an opportunity to participate in diversified investment holdings and access to professional managent on the face of a relatively small investment.
The Italian tax treatment of domestic mutual funds is designed to provide portfolio investors with the same tax treatment they would receive if they owned directly the same investments that…
Marco Rossi of MQR&A Spoke at Chartered Institute of Taxation’s Meeting in Milan
Marco Rossi was one of the speakers at the meeting organized by the Chartered Institute of Taxation in Milan on October 15, 2010. Marco presented on transfer pricing documentation requirements from the perspective of the United States and regional organizations such as PATA, EU and OECD. Italy recently enacted its own rules on transfer pricing…
Italy Enacted Rules on Trasfer Pricing Documentation
Italy issued ruling implementing transfer pricing documentation requirements. Italian transfer pricing documentation framework largely mirrors the EU transfer pricing documentation of conduct and OECD Guidelines. Strict deadlines apply to transfer pricing documentation for 2010 and prior years. Compliance with new transfer pricing documentation requirements allows protection from penalties.…
L’Agenzia delle Entrate Fornisce Chiarimenti sul Modulo RW
Il giorno 30 Settembre scade il termine per la presentazione della dichiarazione annuale dei redditi delle persone fisiche per l’anno 2009. Contestualmente alla presentazione della dichiarazione annuale dei redditi i contribuenti residenti in Italia che detengono investimenti all’estero devono compilare il modulo RW. Inoltre, nello stesso termine è possibile presentare la dichiarazione integrativa relativa all’anno 2008 e sanare eventuali violazioni degli obblighi di compilazione del modulo RW per il 2008 secondo il meccanismo del ravvedimento operoso con il beneficio della riduzione della sanzione ad 1/10 del minino pari all’1% degli importi non dichiarati.
Italy Removed Malta and Cyprus from Black List
Italy removed Cyprus and Malta from black list for purposes of CFC rules and Italian rules on tax residency of individuals.…
MQR&A advised Landi Renzo on its acquisition of Baytech Corporation
Landi Renzo acquires Baytech, MQR&A acts as legal counsel on the transaction…