By way of ruling n. 55/6/2019 filed on January 21, 2019, the Regional Tax Court of Abruzzo held that no withholding tax exemption under the EU Parent-Subsidiary Directive applies, unless the EU parent company proves that it has been “materially charged” with an income tax on the dividends in its own country of residency.


With its ruling n. 32255 issued on December 13, 2018 (“Ruling 32255”), the Italian Supreme Court, Fifth Department (Tax) held that a dividend paid by an Italian subsidiary to a parent company established in a EU Member State is not eligible for the dividend withholding tax exemption granted under the provisions of Directive 90/435/EC (the

The Italian Supreme Court with its ruling n. 25264 of October 25, 2017 (Cassazione n. 25264 of 10-25-2017) held that actual payment of the corporate income tax in the parent company’s home jurisdiction is required for the parent company to benefit from the dividend withholding tax relief under the EU Parent Subsidiary Directive

As a result of the significant reduction of U.S. corporate income tax rates pursuant to the tax reform of the TCJA enacted on December 22, 2017, the Unites States now has a lower corporate tax rate than many of its trading partners, meaning that, in many instances, the profits of foreign owned or controlled-U.S. subsidiaries

The EU Directive n. 2015/849 (the “IV Directive”) on anti money laundering sets forth new provisions requiring financial institutions and professional individuals to verify their customers or clients by identifying the ultimate “beneficial owner” of an entity, legal arrangement or financial transaction; obtaining and conserving information about their customers and the ultimate beneficial owners, as

Foreign trusts, with connections to Italy such as Italian located assets, beneficiaries or grantors, and aimed at producing legal and tax effects in Italy, will be subject to full disclosure in Italy including registration in the Italian public register of enterprises regardless of the fact that they are created and administered abroad and governed by foreign law. The disclosure obligation falls upon the trustee, even if residing abroad. Failure to disclose brings with it criminal and monetary penalties.

That is the result of the new transposition in to Italian law of the new EU anti money laundering directive.

The deadline for the implementation of the Directive in the law of the EU Member States is June 2017.

Foreign trustees of foreign trusts with connections to Italy must pay attention to the developments in this area of law.

The European Commission confirmed that Italian anti inversion rules treating foreign companies owned or controlled by Italian national and owning or controlling Italian companies as Italian resident companies subject to tax in Italy do not violate EC law to the extent that they are designed to combat tax evasion and provide taxpayers with a reasonable opportunity to rebut the tax residency presumption and treat the foreign company as foreign and outside Italian tax net

EU Council of Finance Ministers approved new draft legislation reinforcing exchange of tax information for contrasting tax evasion throughout the EU. The directive shall eliminate the banking secret and ultimately starting from 2015 the exchange of information will be automatic in several areas of tax law which fall within the scope of the directive.