Trusts are very important tools for family and succession planning. Italy enacted specific provisions on the tax treatment of trusts for income tax and indirect (transfer) tax purposes. However, Italy does not have specific legislation on trusts, and trusts for Italian clients or Italian assets must be formed and operated in accordance with the legislation
Trust e pianificazione familiare e successoria
Il trust è uno strumento molto importante per un’efficace pianificazione familiare e successoria. L’Italia ha adottato una specifica normativa fiscale sul trust ai fini delle imposte dirette ed indirette, ma non ha una legislazione civilistica in materia e i trust per clienti italiani devono necessariamente essere costituiti in base alla normativa di uno stato estero…
Interview with MQR&A on Italian financial newspaper Italia Oggi
An interview on Marco Q Rossi & Associati has been published today on the Italian financial newspaper ITALIA OGGI. We attach below the file with the full account:
Obblighi di Reporting per Investimenti Esteri: La Saga Continua
Secondo quanto riportato di recente su Bloomberg, diverse banche svizzere sarebbero in procinto di siglare un accordo con il fisco americano a chiusura di un contenzioso in materia di evasione fiscale. In forza dell’accordo le banche si disporrebbero a pagare una somma in via transattiva e fornire al fisco americano le informazioni sui propri clienti…
Imprese italiane con clienti e contratti negli USA: rischi e potenziali oneri fiscali
Riteniamo utile segnalare una serie di situazioni che stiamo seguendo sempre più frequentemente per conto dei nostri clienti. Le imprese italiane che vendono beni e servizi a clienti americani devono porre particolare attenzione agli eventuali obblighi e oneri fiscali cui potrebbero essere soggette negli USA, anche quando non hanno una società controllata, filiale o sede secondaria sul territorio degli Stati Uniti. Infatti, salvo i casi di pura esportazione di beni senza alcun ulteriore contatto con gli USA, è altamente probabile che vi siano situazioni tali da generare tali oneri e che eventuali distrazioni possono anche essere costose.
MQR&A Presents at Unindustria Bologna on June 8
MQR&A will present at Unindustria Bologna on legal, corporate and tax aspects of opening a business in the United States- Best practices and framework for Italian enterprises entering the U.S. market.…
European Commission Blesses Italy’s Anti-Inversion Rules
The European Commission confirmed that Italian anti inversion rules treating foreign companies owned or controlled by Italian national and owning or controlling Italian companies as Italian resident companies subject to tax in Italy do not violate EC law to the extent that they are designed to combat tax evasion and provide taxpayers with a reasonable opportunity to rebut the tax residency presumption and treat the foreign company as foreign and outside Italian tax net…
MQR&A’s New Web Site is On-line
We would like to inform all our clients, contacts and friends that our new web site is now on line. The new web site encompasses all previous information about our services and areas on practice in a more professional, nice looking and user friendly format. The "News" section on the web site will work in…
IRS Launches a New Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program
IRS launched a new program for the voluntary disclosure of offshore accounts. The program ends on August 31 and provides for reduced penalties for pas non compliance…
Italian Supreme Court Confirms Validity of Merger Leveraged Buyout
Italian Supreme Court with judgment 1372 of January 21, 2011 confirmed a merger leveraged buyout transaction is not abusive in itself and can be respected for tax purposes. As a result, the acquisition company’s interest expenses deductions used to offset the income of the target were allowed.…